2.0 keybrd, missing dll, install probs Win98

Nicholas James nicholas.james@sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 18 21:16:00 GMT 2000

I ran setup.exe for Cygwin 2.0, chose to download everything and install
from tmp directory.

After installation, my keyboard mapping is extremely corrupt (e.g.
forward slash is now é, backslash is now à, question mark is É,
apostrophe is è, etc.).  When I try to run cygwin.bat or just bash, I

	Error Starting Program
		A required .DLL file, CYGWIN1.DLL, was not found.

Cygwin does not appear in my AddéRemove Programs list, so I canèt
determine how to uninstall it.  Iève tried a two keyboard mappings (US
English and Canadian English), but neither fixes my problem.  I scoured
the FAQ, the documentation, the support site, and this mailing list, but
I canèt find an answer to my problem.  Ièm using Windows 98 SE with a
standard 104-key keyboard.

Any suggestions would be really greatly appreciated!!  Ièll be thrilled
if all I can do is uninstall the damn thing and get my keyboard working
properly, and Ièll be ecstatic if I can both fix the keyboard and get
Cygwin working.

	...Thanks very much in advance!

---=== Nicholas James
---=== nicholas.james@sympatico.ca

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