problem with make

Brian Pollard
Thu Aug 17 09:43:00 GMT 2000

It preserves the trailing spaces when the quotes are not used and I believe
it shouldn't.  I wrote the email with quotes to emphasize the trailing


hehe=.                #comment
makes hehe stored as ".               "
when i think it should only store "." as make does in solarias

-----Original Message-----
From: Lassi A. Tuura [ ]
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 11:01 PM
To: Heribert Dahms
Cc: Brian Pollard;
Subject: Re: problem with make

> I never used trailing comments and $(strip) is also new to me,
> but is it really true that the obvious quoted
> var="value      "
> does NOT preserve trailing spaces?

Well, it does preserve the spaces -- but only because as far as make is
concerned, $(var) is `"value      "', quotes and all.  In other words,
there are no trailing spaces in your example :-)

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