Stdin/out with cygwish80.

C. R. Oldham
Wed Aug 16 15:15:00 GMT 2000


I wrote a little tcl/tk script to grab a passphrase from the user and
output it to stdout.  Unfortunately, cygwish80 does not appear to open
stdout or allow tcl to "puts" to it.  Am I missing something here?

When run on my Linux box the attached script prints the contents of the
entry field on stdout when <Enter> is pressed or the OK button is
clicked.  The same script when run under Cygwin prints nothing.  Any
suggestions?  Thanks.

   / Charles (C. R.) Oldham      | NCA Commission on Schools   \
  / Director of Technology       | Arizona State University     \
 / "cro at nca dot asu dot edu"  | V:480/965-8703 F:480/965-9423 \
 |                              |

-------------- next part --------------
proc MaxLineLength { file } {
    set max 0
    if [catch {open $file} in] {
	return $in
    foreach line [split [read $in] \n] {
	set len [string length $line]
	if {$len > $max} {
	    set max $len
    return "Longest Line is $max characters"

proc doit { w passphrase } {
  puts stdout $passphrase
  flush stdout
  destroy $w

. config -borderwidth 10
wm title . "ssh-askpass"
entry .e -width 30 -bg white -relief sunken -show "*"
button .ok -text "OK " \
	-command { doit . [.e get] }
bind .e <Return> {doit . [.e get]}
button .cancel -text "Cancel " \
	-command { destroy . }
label .label -text "Enter passphrase"

pack .label .e .ok .cancel -side top -pady 3

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