What's the status of cygwin on NT device drivers?

Marc Esipovich marc@corky.net
Tue Aug 15 15:51:00 GMT 2000


	I would like very much to avoid using MSVC or similar packages
to make an NT device driver. paying cygnus is way better than paying MS :)

	I've  skimmed through the lists, and found some old (1999) notes
about cygwin already supporting native PE's, but not __fastcall, what
has changed since then?

	So, who has some updated info for me on building them pesky drivers
w/ the help of that butt-ugly NT DDK?

	It needn't be a comlex driver,  basically hooking some syscalls and
talking to a userland app. maybe even write a device which emulates /dev
so no changes will be needed in my Unixified userland code. ;)

	I'd also be glad to land a hand to those with things in progress
concerning this issue.

	Any help would be greatly appreciated.


 P.S, Please CC to me as I'm not subscribed to the list.

marc @ corky.net

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