Naming the cygnus shell

Turetsky, James
Tue Aug 15 11:10:00 GMT 2000

     Could you help me with the following two problems I have when using 
     cygnus, which I just installed.
     When I click on a cygnus bash shell icon, I get a window which looks 
     like ms-dos window.  The grey bar on top of the window has character 
     ~.  Inside the window, right a line before the prompt $, I have a 
     message in green font saying:
     I have no name!@TOWW5076 ~
     1.  How can I get rig of the message?
     2.  How can I set the prompt $ to be something like the dos prompt 
     that shows something like directory/subdirectory>  ?
     3.  How can I display the directory path instead of the character ~ on 
     the top of the window?
     Thank you.
     please reply to

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