gcc produces suspicious binary executables

egb@us.ibm.com egb@us.ibm.com
Mon Aug 14 06:32:00 GMT 2000

Here is an example session:

//c/tmp $ cd //c/bin
//c/bin $ ./where2 where

//c/bin $ cmp where2.exe //c/tmp/where2.exe
where2.exe //c/tmp/where2.exe differ: char 137, line 2
//c/bin $ cp //c/tmp/where2.exe //c/bin
//c/bin $ cmp where2.exe //c/tmp/where2.exe
//c/bin $ ./where2 where

//c/bin $ //c/tmp/where2 where

//c/bin $ cd //c/tmp
//c/tmp $ ./where2 where
//c/tmp $

In this case, my system prints nothing. On a different system, the message
below appears. In either case
Windows 2000 is having trouble with the semantics of the PE headers, I
think. Simple printf's as the
first executable don't appear.

(Where finds programs using PATH type variables in the environment and a
precompiled list
of possible suffixes.) Gcc produces a working executable but I am having
the problems seen above.
Where and Where2 are simply incremental changes in the same source code.
Cl.exe produces a useful
and working executable. Attached is the ouput of "cygcheck -s -r -v".

Again, any insight on this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Ed Bradford

(See attached file: cygcheck.txt)

Your Windows 2000 Arborist
T/L 589-4410; Outside: 1-919-993-4410
---------------------- Forwarded by Ed Bradford/Raleigh/IBM on 08/14/2000
09:24 AM ---------------------------

Earnie Boyd <earnie_boyd@yahoo.com> on 08/14/2000 09:02:09 AM

To:   Ed Bradford/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, cygwin@sourceware.cygnus.com
Subject:  Re: gcc produces suspicious binary executables

--- Ed Bradford <egb@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Gcc is producing an unusual problem. I compile a program in directory A
> test it and all is well. I copy
> it to another directory and get a message like this:
> @@#*%....c:\bin\a.exe:  *** unable to allocate heap, error 87.

Are the files the same length?  Are you mount points in binary format or
format?  The output of `cygcheck -s -r -v' pasted in a mail posted to the
would be helpful.


   Earnie Boyd: < mailto:earnie_boyd@yahoo.com >
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