^M in the latest...

Josh Orfanakis jorfanakis@tecomac.com
Fri Aug 11 10:32:00 GMT 2000

I have tried to figure this out reading the various resources. I actually
thought the latest Cygwin dll release addressed this.
However when I install from the latest directory off of a mirror I still get
all these ^M's in files. In addition VIM won't highlight source files.
The cygwin dll I have is cygwin1.dll verion 1001.4.0.0 Is that the latest?
I had been running B20 version which seems to work great (except it doesn't
have man).
Any ideas about this ^M problem?
I installed the new version in its own directory so there is no conflict
from older versions. I even tried installing from a couple different mirror
sites on the chance that the one I tried wasn't up to date. No difference.
Josh Orfanakis                           jorfanakis@tecomac.com
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Software Developer                    Tecomac Inc. 
Ph: 303.662.0585                      Fax: 303.662.0576

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