[solved] _ctype_ not found in cygwin1.dll

David Bolen db3l@fitlinxx.com
Thu Aug 10 09:14:00 GMT 2000

Markus Hoenicka [Markus.Hoenicka@uth.tmc.edu] writes:

> That is, after changing the systemwide PATH these changes affect all
> user accounts, but not the system. When I started my app as
> standalone, it used the new path and picked the correct 1.1.4
> cygwin1.dll. When I tried to run it as a service, it used the old
> path and found the B20.1 cygwin1.dll, which gave me an error. I just
> had to reboot the box and all was fine again.

FYI, the reason this occurred is that all services are started by the
SCM (service control manager, services.exe), and the SCM task starts
when the system does, and thus obtains its environment (including
path) at that point in time.

Although you can "apply" changes to the systemwide path, it's up to
individual applications to watch for notification of such changes and
adopt them.  Most running applications don't pick up these changes
(I'm not even sure if console applications can), so although you
changed your systemwide path for any new processes past the change,
most items that had been running prior to the change - including the
SCM - would have still used the old setting until restarted.  And I
don't believe you can restart the SCM without rebooting (which reminds
me how I continue to be amazed at how many things require a reboot
under Windows)

-- David

 \               David Bolen            \   E-mail: db3l@fitlinxx.com  /
  |             FitLinxx, Inc.            \  Phone: (203) 708-5192    |
 /  860 Canal Street, Stamford, CT  06902   \  Fax: (203) 316-5150     \

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