UnxUtils [OT]

Charles S. Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Wed Aug 9 15:34:00 GMT 2000

Since the issue has come up several times on the list, I figured it'd be
a good idea to post this info here. However, please do not reply to the

Karl M. Syring has developed several native (non-cygwin) ports of common
GNU utilities, and has distributed them from


However, he has not posted the source code to those utilities, and both
Earnie and I have recommended *against* using his ports until he
complies with the GPL, since many of the original sources of those
utilities are distributed under that license. (If you wanted to use
GNU-ish tools without cygwin...but why? :-)

I corresponded with Karl last week, and he is in the process of getting
the source code in a state that is releaseable. He has also just
established a SourceForge project:


The sourceforge project does not yet contain any files (i.e. no source
yet) but he's getting there.


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