rpm 3.0.4: Can't "rpm -Uvh" my first rpm package (unpacking of archivefailed: cpio: Bad magic)

Matthew D. Langston langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Wed Aug 9 15:24:00 GMT 2000

I am having problems installing my first rpm package under the Cygwin

I recently installed the latest standard cygwin packages (those that install
by default when running setup.exe and installing the latest packages from
the net).  The output from running "cygcheck -s -v -r" is attached to the
bottom of this email.

I next installed rpm 3.0.4 from
http://atlas.spaceports.com/~cygwin/rpm/rpm-3.0.4-cygwin.tar.gz , and set up
the rpm database using the following instructions:

1. "rpm --initdb" (from http://cygwin.cjb.net/ )
2. "touch /etc/mtab" (from Chuck Wilson's post
http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin/2000-07/msg01193.html )

Next, I ran "rpm -qa" just to make sure there were no error messages (there
weren't), and that the output showed that the rpm database was empty (it

I then downloaded the RPM package that I wanted to install
( ftp://projects.sourceforge.net/pub/cygwin-rpm/packages/perl/perl-5.6.0-cygw
in1.1.rpm), into my home directory (i.e. /home/langston) which is mounted in

$ mount
Device              Directory           Type         Flags
E:\cygwin\bin       /usr/bin            system       binmode
E:\cygwin\lib       /usr/lib            system       binmode
E:\cygwin           /                   system       binmode

However, when I tried to install the perl RPM, I received the following cpio

$ rpm -Uvh perl-5.6.0-cygwin1.1.rpm
user martin1 does not exist - using root
user martin1 does not exist - using root
perl                        ##unpacking of archive failed: cpio: Bad magic

The "user martin1 does not exist - using root" error message isn't pertinent
(FYI its a warning, and not an error, due to building the perl RPM slightly

When I tried to install the perl RPM from the net, I received the same

$ rpm -Uvh
user martin1 does not exist - using root
user martin1 does not exist - using root
perl                        ##unpacking of archive failed: cpio: Bad magic

I also received the same cpio error message when tried to install other RPM
packages from the sourceforge link above (i.e. I tried autoconf and
automake).  I also tried just "installing" the RPMs using "rpm -i", but
received the same error message.

Can someone set me straight please?  Thank you :-)

Matthew D. Langston
SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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