cygwin-1.1.4: problems with remote commands

Ralf Fassel
Wed Aug 9 00:30:00 GMT 2000

| >      % ssh nt-host ls
| This works for me.
| Either you
| 	- are using the ls from the Resource Kit or


   % ssh nt-host /bin/ls

works as advertised.  I was picking up the `ls' (and other UNIX tools)
from the NutCracker Suite, since I chose to _append_ /usr/bin to PATH
for testing purposes.  Hmmm.  Maybe I should _prepend_
/cygdrive/c/usr/bin to PATH, since the other shells won't find
anything there.  I want to make sure not to disturb other shells when
adding cygwin to PATH...

| Hope this helps,

Sure it did!

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