cygwin-1.1.4: problems with remote commands

Ralf Fassel
Tue Aug 8 08:02:00 GMT 2000

* Corinna Vinschen
| Ralf Fassel wrote:
| > - the `net use' command is not able to read a password.
| This is a known problem. Some native NT tools behave rather strange
| when called from terminal based applications.

Hi Corinna,
thanks for the quick reply.  The reason I'm asking is (of course)
automated execution of commands which require remote mounts:
   UNIX% ssh NT-host some-script
`some-script' sets up proper mounts (via `net use'), executes the
commands and unmounts everything when done.  I don't want to put the
required passwords in those scripts.  However, it should be possible
to wrap the stuff using a non-echo read in interactive bashes, so it
is not really a problem there.

BTW, it would be very nice, if `mount' would be able to act as
replacement for `net', like this:

  $ mount //jupiter/disk3 /disk3
  Password: xxxx

All this drive letter hassle is just a nuisance...  If you `net use'
one in bash and forget to /delete it before bash-logout, the drive
letter is unusable until next reboot for non-WinGurus like me...

Only the guys wearing white hats should do this.  [perl5 crypt() manpage]

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