cygwin-1.1.4: problems with remote commands

Ralf Fassel
Tue Aug 8 07:09:00 GMT 2000

Hi all,
experimenting with the ssh 2.1.1p4-2 daemon on Windows NT (SP6).  sshd
runs fine for interactive logins, except:

- the `net use' command is not able to read a password.  First time it
  prompts for the password, hangs a short while, then aborts with
    'Systemfehler 86 aufgetreten.'  (System Error 86)
  Following invocations abort immediately.  The password I typed is
  used as commandline input for bash then.

  CYGWIN is set to `binmode ntsec tty'.  If I
     export CYGWIN='binmode ntsec notty'
     exec bash
  behaviour is unchanged.  Haven't tried to set `notty' in the system
  environment yet (would that help?)

  Same behaviour for sessions opened via telnetd and rshd.

- using ssh, I am not able to see the output of remote commands in my
  UNIX xterm.

     % ssh nt-host ls

  does not output anything.  However

     % ssh nt-host 'ls > some-file'

  does create `some-file' in my HOME on the remote host with the
  output of the `ls' command.

- using rsh, I always get `no remote directory' for one-line commands
     % rsh nt-host ls
  no remote execution happens.  Interactive rsh (without giving a
  command) works just fine.

Does anybody has any input on these problems?  I'm not on the mailing
list, so it would be nice if you'd provide a CC: in your response.  I
will check the mailing list archive though.

Thanks for the good work, everybody!

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