Cancel line input in bash
Mathis Severin
Mon Aug 7 05:17:00 GMT 2000
I installed Cygwin 1.1.4 on Win98 and encountered the following behaviour:
When pressing CTRL-C on the input line, nothing seems to happen. I would
expect it just cancels the current input and starts a new input line. Is
this related to some configuration settings I have to do to make work it
Another question is on using the rm command. I have an executable named
ttt.exe that I want to delete. Issuing the command "rm ttt" asks if I really
want to delete the file ttt, but afterwards deletion itself fails (see
following sequence of commands). Has this something to do with default
extensions for executables?
Sequence of commands:
[/home] # rm ttt
rm: remove `ttt'? y
rm: ttt: No such file or directory
[/home] # rm ttt.exe
rm: remove `ttt.exe'? y
[/home] #
Thanks for your answers,
Severin Mathis
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