inetd autostart

Jonas Jensen
Sat Aug 5 06:42:00 GMT 2000

I'm using inetd for telnet (all other daemons are off), and it works with no
However, when I set the startup type of the inetd service to Automatic, all kinds
of weird things happen.

First of all, it doesn't work. I get Connection Refused when telnetting to it.
Using the service manager to stop and restart the service does not help. To start
it properly, I have to start Cygwin/bash and type 'net start inetd' (after
stopping it first).
Also, when I start bash without stopping the service first, nothing works because
it creates a user/textmode mount for / at D:\, so it can't find anything... my
real / is system/binmode at D:\Cygwin. When stopping the service, the wrong /
mount goes away.

Using Win2k, Cygwin 1.1.3, latest version of everything included in setup.

Any ideas?

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