setup source?

John A. Turner
Fri Aug 4 13:41:00 GMT 2000

is the source for setup available?  I'd like to investigate the possibility
of modifying it to give the user the choice of whether to install ash or bash
as sh

the reasons are as follows:

o I've been making sh bash since b18 or so

o I don't care about the speed differences between ash and bash

o I get the impression many others feel the same (e.g. on the xemacs-nt
  mailing list)

o I've been bitten by the "sh is really ash" problem more often since
  the transition to the automated, setup-based install method (which I
  like very much), since it always reverts sh to ash, and I have to 
  remember to fix it each time I update

o I figure it's better to offer to try and make the mods to obtain the
  behavior I want than to simply whine about it and demand that it's my
  right that someone do this immediately (I know this goes against
  standard procedure on this list, but hey, sometimes boundaries need to
  be pushed :)

and finally, although I've poked around sourceware a bit, I can't find the
source to setup


-John Turner

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