DLL runtime problems

Danny Smith danny_r_smith@hotmail.com
Thu Aug 3 14:10:00 GMT 2000

>From: sjc@qx.net
>To: cygwin@sources.redhat.com
>Subject: DLL runtime problems
>Date: Thu, Aug 3 2000 16:37:05 GMT-0400
>I am trying to implement a Java JNI call into a DLL compiled by Cygwin's 
>gcc.  I've gotten everything to compile correctly but running the example 
>causes an application error and kills the JVM.  I've been doing some asking 
>around, and have learned that there are differences between __stdcall and 
>__cdecl methods for calling into DLLs.  The existence of the @ symbols and 
>use of WINAPI in the Cygwin example indicate that __stdcall is being used.  
>Does anyone know how JNI is implemented on the Windows NT4 platform, either 
>__stdcall or __cdecl, and whether or not gcc can create __cdecl DLLs if 
>that's what the Windows NT4 JDK uses?  I'm not an experienced Windows 
>programmer, so I maybe confusing the terminology.
>Also, is there any more information someone could point me to concerning 
>the meaning of the @12 in the example in case that number should be 
>different for my example?
Have a look at some of the links on Mumit Kans page here:

for some hints on building DLL's/JNI's. These are somewhat out of date, but 
still work.    Also has a link to a MSDN article called "DLLs for beginners" 
which has some good background on __stdcall name mangling and aliasing in 

Also search *this archive for dlltool and ld -shared.


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