Well, now I've really done it. [Was: Installation problems]

David A. Cobb superbiskit@home.com
Thu Aug 3 14:00:00 GMT 2000

Thanks, all, for the help yesterday.  It gave me just enough
knowledge (or rope) to shoot both feet off completely!  

I'm quoting Earnie Boyd's reply to my original post. -- Not all in

>> [two minutes later . . .] AHA!
>> Something needs to be changed, my "HOME"=/home/superbiskit where I 
>> mount E:\HOME /home.  But my cygcheck output went to
>> E:\HOME\superbiskit\'\home\superbiskit\.
> I noticed that, where did that come from?  Everything else looked good.

It came from an incredible mental gap.  I had /quoted/ things in my
Cygwin.bat thus "SET HOME='/home/superbiskit'"  The single quotes
simply passed through to Cygwin which treated them as path nodes.  

--- Quoting (or paraphrasing) DJ:
>  What setup are you using?

Downloaded SETUP.EXE yesterday (G 2000-08-02) from Cygwin.  Internal 
Time Date Stamp = "39877dd0".
Used mirror at sunsite.utk.edu. 

--- From Earnie again, various corrections of the error messages I

I went back and did it all again and wrote them down more
carefully.  Could have used a log (some future release). 

1) "error: unable to create symlink" 
  a) C://usr/include/mingw -> mingw32    
     Note- I had indicated a backslant -- it isn't.
  b) C://lib/libc.a        -> libcygwin.a
  c) C://lib/libg.a        -> libcygwin.a [!]
  d) C://lib/libm.a        -> libcygwin.a [!!]
  e) C://bin/awk.exe       -> gawk.exe
  f) C://lib/libstdc++.a   -> libstdc++.a.2.10.0

2) "tar: can't find %1 to link %2 to"
  a) usr/bin/c++.exe          C://bin/g++.exe
  b) usr/bin/gcc.exe          C://bin/i686-pc-cygwin-gcc.exe
  c) usr/bin/logger.exe       C://bin/syslog.exe
  d) usr/bin/ctags.exe        C://bin/etags.exe

Plus many many of both messages in the "vim" install - too many to
write down.

At the end "Can't open (null) for writing: \n No such file or

OK, here's the latest.

I thought (first error) that having my mounts textmode could be a
problem, so I changed them all to "mount -b -s -f"
Then I deleted _everything_ remotely related to the cygwin
installation except the "Mounts_V2" registry entries.  

I reran SETUP again - usually from <sunsite.utk.edu>, twice
<ygdrassl?>, once <freesoftware>.  That's many times.  When all has
been said and done, THERE IS NOTHING AT ALL IN /bin (or in /usr/bin,
or in any directory except /lib -- and that may be a leftover. 
Evidently, setup thinks all the current versions are still there! 
It didn't look to check. 

Now here is a real kicker -- nearly all of the same error messages
came up at the same points.  I think the complaints about the
/lib/libc.a did not.  SETUP cannot find the same things when it
shouldn't be able to find anything at all anywhere!

Just in case it could have been misplaced, I did a Windows FIND on
*ash.exe" which should have two or more hits.  It had none.  

This is like two squares before square one.  Obviously I need help.

>   Earnie Boyd: < mailto:earnie_boyd@yahoo.com >

Not much cheer today!

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