Linking static library from Mingw32 with Visual C++

Charles Wilson
Thu Aug 3 13:56:00 GMT 2000 wrote:
> I compiled a static library using the -mno-cygwin option on gcc.
> I need to link that library into an executable using Visual C++.

Erm. cygwin's "gcc -mno-cygwin" != mingw's "gcc"

> When I try, I get this:
> error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ___udivdi3
> also, ___imp__iob, ___umoddi3, and _main!
> I searched through the libraries in VC++, they don't contain any of
> these, except _main of course.
> So, I guess what I need is to have Mingw32 not put these in the
> library.  But, what are they and where do they come from?

I don't think you can a statlib created by cygwin's gcc -mno-cygwin
using MSVC. Perhaps mingw can create MSVC-compatible libs, but I doubt


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