Dealing with obsoleted CygUtils packages

Charles Wilson
Wed Aug 2 11:13:00 GMT 2000

Vladimir G Ivanovic wrote:
> How does one remove only those files in a CygUtils usr-local package
> (e.g. zlib, libpng, jbigkit, jpeg, tiff, login and inetutils)
> that are now obsolete because they are included in the standard Cygwin
> distribution?
> I could:
>   * delete everything and reinstall everything
>   * write a script that removes from /usr/local/... any file that also
>     exists in /usr/...
> Are there any other options? How are other people dealing with this
> problem?

I did it by hand, on my system. As the note
( ) says:

Note1: Since the packages on the CygUtils site are built in /usr/local,
but the packages in the official distribution are built in /usr, you
won't clobber the official version by installing my usr-local package.
Also, if you have this usr-local package installed but later install an
official package that has obsoleted something included in usrlocal.tar,
the official version will not clobber the cygutils version. However, you
may get 'path-hiding' if /usr/local/bin comes prior to /usr/bin in your
PATH. I'd recommend deleting the obsoleted binaries from your personal
/usr/local/bin, and leaving /usr/local/bin in the front of your PATH.
See the cygutils web page for the obsoleted package -- each one shows a
list of all files installed by that package. For instance, shows that the
following files are installed by the cygutils zlib package (and by the
usr-local.tar package): 

  /usr/local/include/zlib.h (dll version)
  /usr/local/include/zconf.h (dll version)
  /usr/local/include/static/zlib.h (static version)
  /usr/local/include/static/zconf.h (static version)
  symlink libz.a to libz.a-dll

I would gladly accept a shell script or two that eliminates a cygutils
package from a system, and post it on cygutils. I plan to update
usrlocal soon so that new users don't inherit the currently obsolete
packages (zlib, libpng, tiff, jpeg, jbigkit, crypt, inetutils, and
texinfo -- possibly gdbm & cvs soon).

CygUtils maintainer.

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