sshd and inetd
Stephan Hendl
Wed Aug 2 00:31:00 GMT 2000
Unfortunately I run into some more problems:
I started the inetd from the local system during the boot process. I assume that the owner of the inetd-process is the Administrator? If the machine is up and I want to start a shell than the / is the home-directory of my nt-account instead of the cygwin-unix home of the user "hendl". When I stop the inetd and try to open a shell oncemore everthing works fine. ??? The Admin and my own useraccount have the rights that are mentioned in the README of openssh and inetd.
The %PATH% systemvariable includes "d:\cygwin\bin", and the CYGWIN=ntsec ist set too.
What abount the Registry? An entry HKLM\Software ...\Cygwin is the last key. Program Optiona are not present. Should I create it or is it ok to put the variables in the system environment?
Additionally I could not login into the system via sshd / inetd including password authorisation.
LDS Brandenburg
Dr. Stephan Hendl
fon: +49-(0)331-39 471
fax: +49-(0)331-27548 1187
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