runtime header structure

Paul Garceau
Tue Aug 1 16:22:00 GMT 2000

Hi folks,

   Please, forgive the newbie nature of this question.

   I am in the process of porting a rendering engine for Cygwin. 
 Primarily, the purpose is to allow multiple development 
environment support for the rendering engine in question 

   Currently I am working on porting a Cygwin version of a 
DirectX 3 (NT4) version of CrystalSpace.

   In reviewing the header structure (/usr), I couldn't help but 
notice that there were apparently duplicate headers involved.

  On the one level, I see "usr/i686-pc-cygwin/include" and I 
also see "usr/include".

    Is there any subtle difference between these two sets of 
headers or are they simply symlinked?

    If the latter (symlinked), then which is the "include" 
directory which has the symlink, or are they both symlinked from 
somewhere else (gcc-lib?)?

	I am trying to ascertain which "include" directory is the 
actual default "include" directory, and which is not.

    Finally, which is the "include" directory which is assumed 
when g++ is active?

	Since I am attempting to integrate a new, NT4 based API, which 
of the directories (usr/include, usr/i686-pc-cygwin/include, or 
other) is the recommended location for new headers?

	Thanks for your patience and your replies.


		Paul G.

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