Commandline clipping

Axelsson, Andreas
Tue Aug 1 10:20:00 GMT 2000

I've got a very long variable in make that I need to feed as parameter to a
program, but the program doesn't receive the whole line, and thus produces
the incorrect output. The command is echoed completely though. The result is
the same in both Win2k and Win95.

# Example makefile:

BIGVAR := lots of text going on forever

	tool.exe ${BIGVAR}

# The commandline is properly echoed when run, but the arguments are not

	echo a; tool.exe ${BIGVAR}; echo b

# The whole line is echoed, up to the 'b', but the command 'echo b' is never

Does anyone know? (I'm running the latest version of cygwin, bash and make,
but it's been like this in all older versions I've tried aswell)


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