Newbie Q: how to run batch files in cygwin B20

Gina Freita
Tue Aug 1 09:58:00 GMT 2000

I'm sure this will seem like a very stupid question to
all of you, but I would really appreciate any help. I
have searched the archives and read the FAQs but I
just don't quite understand how to create and run a
series of commands in the bash shell. I have an NT
Server 4.0 which runs an application that uses the
cygwin B20 shell. To back up and perform maintenance
on the server I need to type a series of commands at
the bash prompt, and I would like to automate this. I
have very little UNIX experience, although I can
create a basic script in UNIX. It doesn't seem to work
the same way in Cygwin. Thanks.


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