OpenSSH and file system corruption

Noel L Yap
Tue Aug 1 09:35:00 GMT 2000

Well, like I said, this occurs even upon an extremely clean boot.  It'll occur
even after we've completely wiped out Cygwin and SSH (and rebooted).

In any case, I know it's a (stupid) NT thing.  I was just hoping someone knew
/exactly/ what about SSH and NT was causing this problem.

Noel on 2000.08.01 12:11:43

Please respond to

Subject:  Re: OpenSSH and file system corruption

Noel L Yap wrote:
> We've been experimenting with using the Cygwin OpenSSH port (including the
> server) on three separate NT boxes.  On all three, we've started getting
> violations when trying to remove empty directories.  This occurs even when
> nothing else if running (eg from a very clean boot).

The only reason for a sharing violation I can see is that a
process is still running with one of those directories as
current working directory. This is not a problem of ssh but
of Windows.


If you start ssh-agent while you are in /foo, /foo becomes cwd
for ssh-agent. Regardless of this dir is empty or not, you
will fail miserably when trying to remove /foo while ssh-agent
is still running in the background.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer              
Red Hat, Inc.

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