cvs available for test
Noel L Yap
Tue Aug 1 05:37:00 GMT 2000
I forgot to give a viable solution to the problem. Use CVS's hooks to do a
case-insensitive compare for new filenames to make sure they're unique. As for
the CVS subdirectories,you can have them be .CVS (or whatever suits your taste)
by editing config.h or cvs.h (I forget exactly which one).
Noel L Yap
2000.08.01 08:27
cc: Cygwin@Sourceware.Cygnus.Com, Kirben@Bigfoot.Com
Subject: Re: cvs available for test (Document link not converted)
That would be a really bad idea. I use Cygwin executables on file systems that
can fully support upper- and lower-case filenames.
Noel on 2000.08.01 00:38:06
cc: (bcc: Noel L Yap)
Subject: Re: cvs available for test
Charles Wilson wrote:
> --Forwarded to the list for Travis Howell <>--
> Any chance of making cvs avoid/skip directory/file names not allowed
> under
> Windows ? one CVS I know (eggdrop1.5) uses an AUX directory so cvs under
> cygwin fails to work with it.
> Check out
Well, that's a filesystem issue and is really beyond the scope of what I
was trying to do. Is it possible that cygwin's file access functions
should transparently munge these troublesome, illegal names -- aux, prn,
etc? Or is that a really really bad idea?
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