accessing serial ports with cygwin

Richard Hellicar (EML)
Tue Aug 1 01:40:00 GMT 2000

> Hello,
> I try to access the serial ports with cygwin under Windows95.
> To do this I don't know wether I have to use the functins that are
> included in
> dos.h and conio.h that is part of the mingw system or wether there are
> equal
> header files that belong to cygwin directly.
> Is there any documentation that describes the funktions included in the
> header files that come with the cygwin distribution.

There's a very helpful document called "Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems" (5th Edition, Michael Sweet ).  You have to change the device names to com1, etc., but it works well (at least in Windows NT 4).  I seem to remember having a couple of problems - I think that ioctl() didn't report the right number of bytes in the input buffer, but I could be remembering it wrong.


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