Magic variables for make and Cygwin drive mapping

Schaible, Joerg
Wed Sep 1 01:56:00 GMT 1999


writing currently GNU make compatible make files for different plattforms I
also have to deal with the Cygwin naming scheme using absolute paths within
the system. The make rules and Cygwin tools handle the Cygwin drive mapping,
the probably needed DOS/Win-based tools won't. So I have defined the
following variables to deal with the situation within the rules.

To convert your own file names or directory lists just have a look at the
first variable RT and replace the $@ by your variable. The "macro" will
preserve the sequence. You may test your variables with the debug targets at
the end (e.g. make for.TEST TEST="a b c d e f").

Hope others will find this helpfull.


------------------------------ cygwin path converter variables

# Special variables to deal with cygwin

ifeq ($(OSTYPE),cygwin32)

ALLDRIVES       := a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
#CYGWINMAPPING   := /cygwin/

# Rule target
RT = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$@,$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))
# First dependend
RF = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$<,$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))
# Newer dependend
RN = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$?,$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))
# All dependend
RA = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$^,$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))
# Stem of rule target
RS = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$*,$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))

# Rule target without extension
RTB = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$(basename $@),$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))
# First dependend without extension
RFB = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$(basename $<),$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))

# Rule target directory
RTD = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$(@D),$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))
# First dependend directory
RFD = $(strip $(subst /,\\,$(foreach directory,$(<D),$(foreach
drive,$(ALLDRIVES),$(filter $(drive):/%,$(patsubst
//$(drive)/%,$(drive):/%,$(directory)))) $(patsubst
/%,$(CYGWINROOTDRIVE):/%,$(filter-out $(CYGWINMAPPING)%,$(directory))))))


# Rule target
RT = $@
# First dependend
RF = $<
# Newer dependend
RN = $<
# All dependend
RA = $^
# Stem of rule target
RS = $*

# Rule target without extension
RTB = $(basename $@)
# First dependend without extension
RFB = $(basename $<)

# Rule target directory
RTD = $(@D)
# First dependend directory
RFD = $(<D)


------------------------------ debug targets

ECHO = echo -e

    @$(ECHO) $(subst \,\\,$($(patsubst echo.%,%,$@)))

    @for i in $(subst \,\\,$($(patsubst for.%,%,$@))); do $(ECHO) $$i; done

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