rxvt and vim together

Chris Faylor cgf@cygnus.com
Sun Oct 31 19:54:00 GMT 1999

On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 12:08:12PM -0700, Joe Kraska wrote:
>From a bash window I start rxvt, and the window pops up
>just fine. I then run vim (the non gui version) from this rxvt
>window, but then the weirdest thing happens. The vim
>editor appears in the *bash* window. It boggles my mind,
>and perhaps has something to do with the rxvt not properly
>grabbing a tty entry or some such. Has anyone encountered
>this before? I would like to use rxvt exclusively, but this
>precludes this for the time being.

It's simple.  You're using a Windows version of vim not a cygwin
version.  Use a vim that was compiled for cygwin and you should
have no problems.


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