Available soon -- Cygwin on a CD

Chris Faylor cgf@cygnus.com
Tue Oct 12 10:14:00 GMT 1999

On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 12:02:35PM -0400, grillon@mindspring.com wrote:
>Mr. Faylor,
>    Thanks for this product announcement.  I will likely take you up
>on this offer.  I'm not sure that your memo answers my original question.  Let me restate things
>QUESTION #1: What is the official documentation for the ECGS compilers,
>libraries, and utilities (debugger &c) available as CygWin?

The product ships with bound documentation.  The compiler is not EGCS.
I don't know how detailed the documentation is.

There is also the standard online info/man documentation.

>QUESTION #2: Is there a single seat price for your product that I think
>is called "CygPro Toolkit"?  Do you have a detailed data sheet on this

1) Please check out the web site.

2) Please refer questions about pricing to cygwin-info@cygnus.com .

Just to reiterate for anyone reading this far:

General pricing, licensing, packaging questions should go to
cygwin-info@cygnus.com .


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