Available soon -- Cygwin on a CD

Kevin Wright kwright@aspectdv.com
Mon Oct 11 17:07:00 GMT 1999


I can't find anything with the label "Community Offer." 
on the Shop Cygnus page.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: cygwin-owner@sourceware.cygnus.com
>[ mailto:cygwin-owner@sourceware.cygnus.com]On Behalf Of Cygwin Mailing
>Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 4:46 PM
>To: cygwin@sourceware.cygnus.com
>Subject: Re: Available soon -- Cygwin on a CD
>Sorry to follow up on my own email but I have a couple of minor
>corrections to my original announcement.
>1) The URL is:
>	http://www.cygnus.com/cygwin/
>2) The place to send non-technical questions pertaining to sales,
>   licensing, shipping, etc., is:
>	cygwin-info@cygnus.com
>>Dear Cygwin Community,
>>Thanks to your support and feedback, I am pleased to announce the
>>commercial availability of Cygwin 1.0.  As you know, Cygwin is a
>>UNIX/Linux shell environment and portability layer enabling 
>delivery of
>>open source projects to Windows.  You already use Cygwin to help
>>integrate Windows into your UNIX-based environment and migrate
>>applications from UNIX to Windows.
>>With the new enhancements included on the CD (see
>> http://www.cygnus.com/cygwin/ for more details), you can now easily
>>review info files and man pages.  In addition, the CD contains a more
>>UNIX-like layout that has been discussed and recommended by the
>>community.  The compiler incorporates our Code Fusion technology which
>>includes optimizations for the Intel Pentium family of 
>processors.  I am
>>also pleased that this release contains our graphical 
>debugger, Insight.
>>The best news is that soon (on October 15) I will be offering the
>>community a chance to get the new CD and docs for $20 off the "street
>>price" or $79 (USD).
>>Here's how you get it: go to http://www.cygnus.com/cygwin , 
>click on the
>>"Buy Cygwin" link.  On the "SHOP CYGNUS" main page, under the Cygwin
>>section, click on "Community Offer." The password is "SHELL" 
>- and that
>>will tag the order for the special price.
>>Again, this will not be available until October 15.  You'll have to
>>wait until then to order.
>>We are calling this version of Cygwin version 1.0 but it is 
>>B21.  It comes with a number of additional binaries from a standard
>>net release.  Currently, the additional tools are not mentioned on
>>the web site but they soon will be.  Until then, I've 
>attached a list of
>>the additional binaries in the "contrib/bin" directory to 
>this message.
>>If you have any questions about things like price, shipping and
>>handling, etc.  please send them to cygwin-info@cygnus.com .  
>DJ and I will try
>>to answer any technical questions in the cygwin@sourceware.cygnus.com
>>mailing list (but please remember that this activity is not part of
>>our full-time jobs).
>>I'm excited about this Cygwin offering and can't wait to see this on
>>the shelves of CompUSA, Best Buy, etc.  The box has, IMO, some really
>>cool cover art of a shell -- to symbolize the use of a UNIX/Linux
>>shell on Windows.
>>Best Regards,
>>Christopher Faylor
>>Cygwin Technical Manager
>>Cygnus Solutions
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