About DLL

José Raúl de Prado Mediavilla jpramed@ribera.tel.uva.es
Tue Nov 30 23:39:00 GMT 1999


	I am building a relocable dll with the sequence of five commands
that says http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/faq/faq.html#SEC87 .
	I have an entry function defined like:

		int WINAPI entrada(HANDLE h, DWORD reason, void *foo)
  			return 1;

	But when I execute the commands I have an error message like:

ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol entrada@12; defaulting to 10001000

   and the dll does not work.

	If someome knows how can I solve this problem , please mail me.

	Thanks you.

**             JOSE RAUL DE PRADO MEDIAVILLA                **
** -------------------------------------------------------- **
** Escuela Tecnica Superior Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion. **
** Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes-Universidad de Valladolid **
**                    VALLADOLID (SPAIN)                    **
** Tlf:	 	    983 423000 ext. 25586		    **
** E-mail:          jpramed@ribera.tel.uva.es               **
**	              jprado@gsi.dit.upm.es                 **
** URL:             http://www.tel.uva.es/~jpramed          **

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