On Win95, ESC switches focus to next window

Glenn Spell glenn@gs.fay.nc.us
Tue Nov 30 23:39:00 GMT 1999

On 22 Nov 1999 around 12:19PM (-0600) Ajit George wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > and suddenly using the ESC key (which VI users are prone to
> > do quite often) switches the focus to the "next" window.

> My guess is that your Alt key is sticking, which happens to me
> quite often also (although only when using an older keyboard,
> hmm...).  Hitting Alt a few times usually gets it unstuck.

Or turn the bugger upside down and beat on it!

Yes. This drove me nuts until I finially figured it out.  Then I
trashed that Packard-Bell keyboard and pulled a KeyTronic Trak101
out of mothballs... no more problems :-)


  ________________________________________      _       _____
 )                                        )_ _ (__\____o /_/_ |
 )    Glenn Spell <glenn@gs.fay.nc.us>    )     >-----._/_/__]>
 )________________________________________)               `0  |

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