Unable to Type Lower Case e in the Bash Window

Chris Faylor cgf@cygnus.com
Tue Nov 30 23:39:00 GMT 1999

On Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 09:27:46AM -0800, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>--- Chris Faylor <cgf@cygnus.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 05:57:42AM -0800, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>> >--- Gus Baldauf <gus@transbay.net> wrote:
>>>>I just installed Cygwin 1.0.  When I open a bash window and I try to
>>>>paste the lower case letter e, nothing appears in the window and the
>>>>beeps at me.  For example, I can not enter the commands cygcheck, exit,
>>>>or set.  All other upper and lower case letters work fine.
>>>I checked the output from cygcheck.  There is a bug in the Install
>>>leaves you with two different records in the registry for the /
>>>directory.  Change to the bin directory containing umount and mount,
>>>then do `./umount /
>>>./mount 'e:\' /' and that should resolve the problem.
>>Earnie, I only see one mount point in the cygcheck output and it is
>>E:\Cygwin  /        system  binmode
>Oh, sorry the information below is what confused me.  However, Gus'
>b20.1 setup was in text mode and he now has binmode.

You're right.  I missed this.

So, the corrct solution is probably something like this:

umount /
mount -f -b e:\cygwin /
mount q:\homedirectory-containing-inputrc /whatever-it-should-be


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