Problem with tar

Donald E. Hammond
Tue Nov 30 23:39:00 GMT 1999

Morten -

I've had problems in the past using compression on the fly with tar.  It
was different than you describe, and it was with b18 so may not be
relevant, but it does seem to be fixed with v 1.0 from cd.  Sometimes a
tar file that had been compressed with -z was corrupt.  I am *pretty*
sure that it could always be decompressed with gzip -d then untarred,
but testing (-t or -d) and extraction of the compressed tar file all
failed.  Like I say, this seems to be fixed with the latest version but
I haven't done much testing.  I don't know how much data you're putting
in the tar files, but if it wouldn't be too unwieldy I might try doing
it without compression. Or even by compressing each file before putting
it in the tar file.  Even if that's not an acceptable final solution, it
might help isolate the problem.

This is probably completely unrelated to your problem.  For me, tar
never bombed while creating the tar file.  I only knew there was a
problem when trying to read it while decompressing it on the fly.  But
I  thought I'd mention it just in case.

 - Don

Morten Eriksen wrote:
> [...]
> Every night, for each of the servers, I run approximately this sequence of
> commands:
> ssh -x -l administrator $ntserver "/bin/tar cvzf /tmp/data.tgz /data"
> scp administrator@$ntserver:/tmp/data.tgz data-$ntserver.tgz
> Works like a charm, except that tar hangs at what seems like random places
> at what seems like random times at what seems like random sites. :^(
> [...]

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