OpenGl - Simple Example - Header Files

Georg Fusz
Fri Nov 19 02:38:00 GMT 1999

Thanks to hint from "Paul Garceau" <>
i found a simple example for an OpenGl-program.

The Example is found on

Here is my Makefile : very straight foreward

# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 1999/11/18 21:37:33 fusz Exp $

CFLAGS = -g 

CC = gcc

%.o : %.c 
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@

objects =  sample.o

sample.exe: $(objects) Makefile
	$(CC) -g -o $@ $(objects) -mwindows -lopengl32


I used files looking similiar to the ones in Visual C++ version 4.0 and
stored them in i386-mingw32msvc/include/gl.

Georg Fusz

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