gcc/g77/gcj 2.95.2 for cygwin CD 1.0?

Steve Jorgensen steve@khoral.com
Thu Nov 18 13:46:00 GMT 1999

	Ok, I've got everything required, and followed the directions
	below, and very shortly into the build (running make), I get the
	following error..

make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/gcc-2.95.2-build/gcc'
cd /usr/local/src/gcc/src/gcc-2.95.2/gcc && autoheader
autoheader: not found
make[1]: *** [/usr/local/src/gcc/src/gcc-2.95.2/gcc/cstamp-h.in] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/gcc-2.95.2-build/gcc'
make: *** [all-gcc] Error 2

	I've looked everwhere I can think of, and haven't been able to find
	autoheader..  Am I missing something?

> My recommendation:
> - get the gcc-2.95.2 source distro
> - get x86-win32 patches from my site:
>   ftp://ftp.xraylith.wisc.edu/pub/khan/gnu-win32/cygwin/gcc-2.95.2/patches/
> - build it:
>     $ cd ~/src
>     $ tar zxf /tmp/gcc-2.95.2.tar.gz
>     $ cd gcc-2.95.2
>     $ patch -p1 -s < /tmp/gcc-2.95.2-x86-win32.diff
>   The file gcc-2.95.2-x86-win32.diff is included in my patchset. 
>     $ mkdir /tmp/gcc-2.95.2-build
>     $ cd /tmp/gcc-2.95.2-build
>     $ ~/src/gcc-2.95.2/configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-2.95.2 \
>       --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc,java \
>       i686-cygwin
>   Of course, you may want a different prefix, or the default (/usr/local).

>     $ make 
>     $ make install

> This should work in theory, but I have no way to tell.

> Regards,
> Mumit

> --
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Steven Jorgensen      steve@khoral.com	    steve@haunt.com
Khoral Research Inc.          | PHONE: (505) 837-6500
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