Glaux.dll not found -using MinGw

Georg Fusz
Thu Nov 18 13:41:00 GMT 1999

I am using MinGw to compile Programs using the OpenGl-Library.

A program using only the OpenGl- and the Glu-lib works wonderfull.

But a program using the glaux.lib stops with the message: "glaux.dll not
found". With WindowsNT there is the OpenGl32.dll and the Glux32.dll in
the directory "system32". There is a big (1.2 MB) glaux.lib in MsDev/Lib
from VisualC++. The glaux.lib from MinGW is much smaller ( ~ 100 kB ).

bezier.exe: $(objects) Makefile
	$(CC) -g -o $@ $(objects) -mwindows -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lglaux  

Does any body know that problem?

Microsoft gives the source code for a glaux.lib, but I was unable to
compile all sources with (mingw)-gcc. There are some incompabilities
between the headers from mingw and the microsoft source code, where I
was able to change the source code. But I was unable to compile the file
tkdib.c with gcc-2.95. With gcc-2.95.2 (msvcrt) I was able to compile
the file and to build the library. But the program fails while execution
the the function
auxInitWindowA .

int main()
    LPCTSTR pointer;
    char title[] = "Bezier Curves Using Evaluators";

    pointer = (LPCTSTR) title;


    auxInitDisplayMode (AUX_SINGLE | AUX_RGB);
    auxInitPosition (0, 0, 500, 500);
    auxInitWindowA ( pointer );

    //    myinit();

    //    auxReshapeFunc (myReshape);

    //    auxMainLoop(display);


Greeting from berlin 
Georg Fusz

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