More Cygwin 1.0 CD

Steve Jorgensen
Thu Nov 11 09:07:00 GMT 1999

> dllwrap fails with the following after wading through the header file
> name changes from B20.1 to 1.0.

	I've never gotten dllwrap or the gcc set of instructions for
	creating DLL's to work under B20.1 or 1.0.. I just figured it
	was yet another stupid artifact of windows dll's.. I'm using
	a combination calls to nm, dlltool, and ld to create dll, which
	seems to be working for me.  I can send you a perl script that
	does the right sequence if you like.


Steven Jorgensen
Khoral Research Inc.          | PHONE: (505) 837-6500
6200 Uptown Blvd, Suite 200   | FAX:   (505) 881-3842
Albuquerque, NM 87110         | URL:

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