RedHat acquisition of Cygnus???

Charles S. Wilson
Wed Nov 10 07:24:00 GMT 1999

According to the following *RUMOR* posted on slashdot, , RedHat has inked a
deal to acquire Cygnus. Now, I realize that, if true, Cygnus employees
cannot comment. However, I'm not a Cygnus employee.  

I think this is a stupid move for both companies. Yeesh - what is it
with corporations these days? Are acquisitions of other companies
outside their core competency area the only way to grow? Is Cygnus
looking at RedHat's vast market capitalization as a means of hiring
enough lawyers to defend against MS' inevitable lawsuit (since MS will
sue anyone who has a pulse and sells "platform" software)?

What do you think?

If the moderator considers this offtopic, then I apologize for posting
it -- and please move discussion to the slashdot forum. However, I
thought it was of interest to cygwin users.


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