Symbolic links & RCS

André Oliveira da Costa
Tue Nov 9 13:25:00 GMT 1999

Hi there,

is the symbolic link system of CYGWIN full-compliant with its UNIX
counterpart? For example: if I link a RCS dir to another place, 'ls', 'cd'
and 'cp' work fine, but 'vim' doesn't (it says I'm editing a new file if I
try to edit a file which _is_ in the RCS dir). RCS tools (ci, rlog, rcsdiff)
don't work either, as you can see by the output reproduced below:

[ /cade/Weather\ Channel/src ] ls -l RCS
lrw-r--r--   1 544      everyone       43 Nov  9 18:03 RCS ->
u://cade/Weather Channel/src/RCS/
[ /cade/Weather\ Channel/src ] ls -lL RCS
total 4
-r--r--r--   1 1296     everyone     7462 Nov  8 20:23 genhtml.c,v
[ /cade/Weather\ Channel/src ] rcsdiff genhtml.c
rcsdiff: RCS/genhtml.c,v: No such file or directory
[ /cade/Weather\ Channel/src ] rlog !$
rlog genhtml.c
rlog: RCS/genhtml.c,v: No such file or directory

I went through the FAQ at CYGWIN website, but couldn't find an answer. I
really hope this is due to something I overlooked, because this is the only
flaw I noticed on the behavior of CYGWIN tools (and I need these tools very
bad, because they help keeping my sanity after being forced to switch from
UNIX to NT =T )

Any help would be much appreciated. Please reply to mail email address also,
because I don't check this list often.


André Oliveira da Costa

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