Upgrading from cygwin 19 to 20.1

Tim Chartier chartier@babbage.colorado.edu
Wed Nov 3 16:34:00 GMT 1999

Fellow cygwin-ers:

	I am new to this list and quite new to the cygwin world.  I
searched past archives and did not find this question answered.  While it
seems quite trivial, it holds importance to me.  

	Just this September, I installed cygwin version 19 on my computer
running under Win95.  Today, I discovered some very important
documentation that is written for version 20.1.  I want to upgrade but all
of the documentation mentions upgrading from 20.0 to 20.1.  Does this mean
that I must install 20.1 files ignoring the fact that I have version 19?
Or, am I missing something quite obvious?  

	I thank you in advance for any assistance!

Tim Chartier, chartier@colorado.edu

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