(B20 suffers under WIN NT FixPack 4 (see below) ______________ WG: failure notice

Heinrich Thomas Thomas.Heinrich@autinform.de
Wed Nov 3 01:30:00 GMT 1999

Hi @cygwin,

originally, I intended to submit a bug report
(WIN NT FixPack 4 hampers cygwin1.dll semantics).
Then your mailer daemon replied that only 
,,subscribers´´ may act thus. 

1. (Please look at the bug description anyway.)
   forget it: mail daemon declines acceptance above 100000 
2. What is a subscriber, if not for a mailing list?
3. If I want to submit bug reports to cygwin,
   where do I send them, or how do I become a 



Thomas Heinrich

Tel.: (0611) 78 76-761

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