X11 for cygwin CD 1.0

Suhaib M. Siddiqi ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com
Tue Nov 2 16:41:00 GMT 1999

I must have missed the following message.
The termcap problem you are reporting could be because of \r\n

I really doubt libs from pre-alpha-xfree-cygwin-b201.tar.bz2 would work
without problems.  If you are using on DLLs for your X-applications
then it is ok.  For porting X apps from UNIX you might get _ctype_
undefined references, becasue the X11libs and clinets were compiled
with B20.1.


X11 for cygwin CD 1.0
To: cygwin at sourceware dot cygnus dot com 
Subject: X11 for cygwin CD 1.0 
From: Steve Jorgensen <steve at khoral dot com> 
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 12:40:55 -0600 (MDT) 

	I know that this list has been told to use the
	x11r6.4-cygwin-ss-dev.tar.gz version of Xwindows for the cygwin
	1.0 cd, but before it was discussed on this list, I found the
	pre-alpha-xfree-cygwin-b20.1.tar.bz2 version.  While the Xserver
	itself is in the pre-alpha stages, the libraries and clients seem
	to work as well or better than the x11r6.4-cygwin-ss-dev.tar.gz
	version.  Is there some reason why we should not use this
	pre-alpha-xfree-cygwin-b20.1 version?

	The x11r6.4-cygwin-ss-dev.tar.gz version can't run xterm, it just
	complains about not being able to find an appropriate termcap
	entry, even after I added one.	Also the header files produce
	tons of annoying warnings, because they lack return types on
	several function declarations, which produce warnings about
	assuming int for the return type.

	I thinking about sticking with the pre-alpha version,
	because the above reasons, but I wanted to make sure
	there aren't any hidden gotcha's.. :)  Thanks for any


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