
Geoff Appleby geoff@topic.com.au
Tue Nov 2 14:17:00 GMT 1999

This is interestign actually.  When I first installed cygwin, i noticed
there was no vi.  So i figured it would be my first test of the product,
so i grabbed the source code for vim that was used for one of our
boxes, untarred and made it.  all worked fine, not a problem, except for
one strange thing - at the bottom of the screen it always says "OOPS".
Buggered if I know why.
Then i installed inetd and stuff, telnetted into the box and tried to
vi something - nothing happened.  it was as if it froze. I hit control-c
and i got a prompt back, but was confused. then i discovered that the
environment was different for remote users, and was being pointed at
the vi that comes with the NT Resourrce Kit.  Dodgy! :)  Can only
work locally.  Anyway, that's my two cents :)

Chris Faylor wrote:
> If you want to use a VIM that is cygwin-aware, e.g.,  able to
> be used over telnet, understands cygwin paths, etc. you'll
> need to either use the VI that comes with the Cygwin CD
> ( http://www.cygnus.com/cygwin ) or download something from
> one of the links pointed to on the cygwin sourceware home page
> ported software page ( http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin ).
> Michael Weiser's site should hold a version of vim.
> cgf

Geoff Appleby              / |     ||              geoff@topic.com.au
Internet Engineer         *  ||----||             Ph: +61 2 6257 7111
tSA Consulting Group         ^^    ^^            Fax: +61 2 6257 7311

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