X11R6.x libs

Dtcohen@aol.com Dtcohen@aol.com
Tue Nov 2 11:10:00 GMT 1999

Suhaib and/or other interested parties,

I am having trouble with the "X11R6.4 for Cygwin v 1.0" download you
mention below.  When I try to start up X-windows with Reflection X,
I get the following error messages:

_X11TransSocketOpen: socket() failed for local
_X11TransSocketOpenCOTSClient: Unable to open socket for local
_X11TransOpen: transcript open failed for local/JGRISHAW-NTHOME:0

waiting for X server to begin accepting connections .
_X11TransSocketOpen: socket() failed for local
_X11TransSocketOpenCOTSClient: Unable to open socket for local
_X11TransOpen: transcript open failed for local/jgrishaw-nthome:0
_X11TransSocketOpen: socket() failed for local
_X11TransSocketOpenCOTSClient: Unable to open socket for local
_X11TransOpen: transcript open failed for local/jgrishaw-nthome:0

This used to work fine with Sergey's X11R6.4 binaries and the
Cygwin B20.1 release.  Any ideas how to fix this?

I am running Windows NT 4.0 SP3 and Cygwin v1.0 from the CD-ROM.

Many thanks,

Jim Grishaw.

> I have removed X11R6.x developments tools from my URLS at
> http://siddiqi.webjump.com and
> http://www.geocities/ResearchTriangle/Forum6298 .
> The X11R6.x developments tools are now available ONLY from
> http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/xfree
> (Cygwin-xfree). This is to avoid confusions ater Cygwin v 1.0 was
> released.
> 3 different versions of X11 are available:
> X11R6.3 from XFRee86 3.3.5 for Cygwin B20.1
> X11R6.4 for Cygwin B20.1 (derived from XFree86 3.9.16)
> X11R6.4 for Cygwin v 1.0 (Cygwin Cd Distribution) (derived from
> XFree86 3.9.16 - XFree86 4.0 Developers Snapshots).
> The Cygwin-xfree URL (hhtp://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/xfree) now
> has a FAQ.
> Suhaib

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