problem w/ mingw32/egcs/msvcrt and file reads (fwd)

Paul Thiessen
Sat May 8 06:08:00 GMT 1999

Thanks for your help!
  This isn't a big deal, but I'm just trying to understand more fully how 
all this works: I do notice that crtdll.dll is still being linked
in. (I tagged on an objdump -p at the end of this.) I thought from what I
read earlier that msvcrt.dll was basically a drop-in replacement for
crtdll.dll, but apparently that's not totally true? That there are still a
few functions in crtdll that msvcrt doesn't have?

 - Paul

  Paul A.   |      |  Johns Hopkins
 Thiessen   |  |   University

povchem.exe:     file format pei-i386

Characteristics 0x107
	relocations stripped
	line numbers stripped
	32 bit words

ImageBase		00400000
SectionAlignment	00001000
FileAlignment		00000200
MajorOSystemVersion	4
MinorOSystemVersion	0
MajorImageVersion	1
MinorImageVersion	0
MajorSubsystemVersion	4
MinorSubsystemVersion	0
Reserved1		00000000
SizeOfImage		0004f000
SizeOfHeaders		00000400
CheckSum		00000000
Subsystem		00000003
DllCharacteristics	00000000
SizeOfStackReserve	02000000
SizeOfStackCommit	00001000
SizeOfHeapReserve	00100000
SizeOfHeapCommit	00001000
LoaderFlags		00000000
NumberOfRvaAndSizes	00000010

The Data Directory
Entry 0 00000000 00000000 Export Directory [.edata (or where ever we found
Entry 1 0004e000 0000081c Import Directory [parts of .idata]
Entry 2 00000000 00000000 Resource Directory [.rsrc]
Entry 3 00000000 00000000 Exception Directory [.pdata]
Entry 4 00000000 00000000 Security Directory
Entry 5 00000000 00000000 Base Relocation Directory [.reloc]
Entry 6 00000000 00000000 Debug Directory
Entry 7 00000000 00000000 Description Directory
Entry 8 00000000 00000000 Special Directory
Entry 9 00000000 00000000 Thread Storage Directory [.tls]
Entry a 00000000 00000000 Load Configuration Directory
Entry b 00000000 00000000 Bound Import Directory
Entry c 00000000 00000000 Import Address Table Directory
Entry d 00000000 00000000 Reserved
Entry e 00000000 00000000 Reserved
Entry f 00000000 00000000 Reserved

The Import Tables (interpreted .idata section contents)
 vma:            Hint    Time      Forward  DLL       First
                 Table   Stamp     Chain    Name      Thunk
 0044e000	0004e0a4 00000000 00000000 0004e708 0004e1e8

	DLL Name: tcl80.dll
	vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
	4e328	  181  Tcl_AddErrorInfo
	4e33c	  185  Tcl_Alloc
	4e348	  226  Tcl_CreateCommand
	4e35c	  229  Tcl_CreateInterp
	4e370	  236  Tcl_DStringAppend
	4e384	  237  Tcl_DStringAppendElement
	4e3a0	  239  Tcl_DStringFree
	4e3b4	  241  Tcl_DStringInit
	4e3c8	  242  Tcl_DStringResult
	4e3dc	  282  Tcl_Eval
	4e3e8	  308  Tcl_FindExecutable
	4e400	  318  Tcl_Free
	4e40c	  367  Tcl_GlobalEval
	4e420	  376  Tcl_Init
	4e42c	  389  Tcl_LinkVar
	4e43c	  408  Tcl_Merge
	4e448	  443  Tcl_Realloc
	4e458	  491  Tcl_SetVar
	4e468	  492  Tcl_SetVar2
	4e478	  502  Tcl_StaticPackage
	The Import Address Table is identical

 0044e014	0004e0fc 00000000 00000000 0004e718 0004e240

	DLL Name: tk80.dll
	vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
	4e48c	  358  Tk_Init
	The Import Address Table is identical

 0044e028	0004e108 00000000 00000000 0004e728 0004e24c

	DLL Name: togl.dll
	vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
	4e498	   17  Togl_Init
	The Import Address Table is identical

 0044e03c	0004e114 00000000 00000000 0004e7b0 0004e258

	DLL Name: crtdll.dll
	vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
	4e4a4	  103  _fpreset
	4e4b0	  132  _iob
	4e4b8	  259  _setmode
	4e4c4	  331  abort
	4e4cc	  338  atexit
	4e4d8	  352  exit
	4e4e0	  355  fclose
	4e4ec	  358  fflush
	4e4f8	  370  fread
	4e500	  371  free
	4e508	  375  fseek
	4e510	  379  fwrite
	4e51c	  381  getc
	4e524	  390  isdigit
	4e530	  396  isspace
	4e53c	  397  isupper
	4e548	  420  malloc
	4e554	  424  memchr
	4e560	  426  memcpy
	4e56c	  427  memmove
	4e578	  433  printf
	4e584	  448  signal
	4e590	   45  _cexit
	4e59c	  451  sprintf
	4e5a8	  457  strcmp
	4e5b4	  459  strcpy
	4e5c0	  465  strncmp
	4e5cc	  473  strtol
	4e5d8	  474  strtoul
	4e5e4	   73  _errno
	4e5f0	   93  _fileno
	The Import Address Table is identical

 0044e050	0004e198 00000000 00000000 0004e7c4 0004e2dc

	DLL Name: kernel32.dll
	vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
	4e5fc	  532  SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
	4e61c	   98  ExitProcess
	The Import Address Table is identical

 0044e064	0004e1a8 00000000 00000000 0004e7f4 0004e2ec

	DLL Name: msvcrt.dll
	vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
	4e62c	  100  _write
	4e638	   26  _fileno
	4e644	   29  _fstat
	4e650	   39  _isatty
	4e65c	   45  _lseek
	4e668	   51  _open
	4e670	   57  _read
	4e678	    6  _close
	The Import Address Table is identical

 0044e078	0004e1d0 00000000 00000000 0004e810 0004e314

	DLL Name: msvcrt.dll
	vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
	4e684	  178  _fmode
	4e690	   21  _HUGE
	4e698	   39  __getmainargs
	4e6a8	   59  __p__environ
	The Import Address Table is identical

 0044e08c	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

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