Alt=Meta in X-less rxvt?

David Starks-Browning
Thu Jun 24 17:03:00 GMT 1999


I just started using bub's Xserver-less port of rxvt-2.6PRE2.  (Thanks
Steve!)  Invoking it with "rxvt -e bash -login", how do I get the
Windows Alt key to behave as Meta for command line editing in bash?
This already works fine in the cmd.exe window started by cygnus.bat.

I've got nothing special in ~/.Xdefaults, is there something I can add
to it?

Thanks for your help.


  David Starks-Browning                  |
  EMBL Outstation --                     |
  The European Bioinformatics Institute  |
  Wellcome Trust Genome Campus           | tel: +44 (1223) 494 616
  Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK       | fax: +44 (1223) 494 468

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