Precompiled GLUT library.

Suhaib M. Siddiqi Ssiddiqi@InspirePharm.Com
Sun Feb 28 23:02:00 GMT 1999

From: Alexander Siemers <>
Subject: Re: Precompiled GLUT library.

>First at all I wondered why I have to build a libglut.aif I want
>dynamic linking?? But I did it anyway using the instructions
>"Linking Against DLLs" from the Cygwin User's Guide:
>I actually built both libglut.a and libglut32.a.
>The I tried to compile one of the GLUT test files:
>gcc -mwindows -DWIN32 -o test1.exe test1.c -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lglut32
>And I used -L and -I to point to the openGL/GLUT include and lib dirs.
>Is something wrong here? If not, why doesn't it work?

I did not understand exactly what happen when you compiled your test1.c?
Does it fail to compile?

You may consider downloading MesaGL 3.0 from .  There is a precompiled
Mesa 3.0 library available for Cygwin-B-20.1. It is a static library.

>> >I wonder if anybody managed to compile a GLUT program
>> >with cygwin using the precompiled DLL's from the net?
>> >I get problem with linking, none of the glut functions
>> >is found by the linker while OpenGL and GLU works fine.
>> >
>> >Any ideas?
>> >
>> >Alex...
>> >

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