make and .exe targets (more info)

John Fortin
Fri Feb 5 10:27:00 GMT 1999

Here is the situation.  I have a pretty simple makefile I want to use as
a default for compiling win32 GUI programs.
.SUFFIXES:.exe .c

    gcc -mwindows $< $@   ( yes there is a tab at the beginning :) )


When I try to compile a hello program 'winhello.exe' I get the

/home/v2te2v2/test/: make winhello.exe
gcc -mwindows winhello.c -o winhello.exe
: No such file or directory586-cygwin32/bin/ld: cannot open output file
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [winhello.exe] Error 1

If I type the gcc command directly the program compiles...

/home/v2te2v2/test/: gcc -mwindows winhello.c -o winhello.exe

Here is the output of the make -d winhello.exe ....

GNU Make version 3.75, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath.
Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96
 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

Report bugs to <>.

Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `Makefile'...
Updating makefiles....
 Considering target file `Makefile'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `Makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.o'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.c'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.C'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.p'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.f'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.F'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.r'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.s'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.S'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile,v'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile,v'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.o'.
  Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.o'.
   Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.c'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.C'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.p'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.f'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.F'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.s'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.S'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.mod'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.o,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.o,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.o'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.o'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.c'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.c'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.y'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.l'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.c,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.c,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.c'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.c'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.y'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.y'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.y,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.y,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.y'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.y'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.l'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.l'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.l,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.l,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.l'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.l'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.w'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.w'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.w,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.w,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.w'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.w'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit dependency `,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit dependency `'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.C'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.C'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.C,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.C,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.C'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.C'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.C'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.p'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.p'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.web'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.p,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.p,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.p'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.p'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.web'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.web'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.web,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.web,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.web'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.web'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.f'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.f'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.F'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.r'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.f,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.f,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.f'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.f'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.F'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.F'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.F,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.F,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.F'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.F'.
     Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.F'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.r'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.r'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
     Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.l'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.r,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.r,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.r'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.F'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.s'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.s'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.S'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.s,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.s,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.s'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.s'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.S'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.S'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.S,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.S,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.S'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.S'.
     Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.S'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.S'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
   Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.mod'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `Makefile.mod'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit dependency `Makefile.mod,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/Makefile.mod,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.Makefile.mod'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.Makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.c'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.C'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.p'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.f'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.F'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.r'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.s'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.S'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `Makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `Makefile'.
  Trying implicit dependency `'.
  Looking for a rule with intermediate file `'.
   Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit dependency `,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit dependency `RCS/,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit dependency `'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `'.
   Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/'.
  No implicit rule found for `Makefile'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `Makefile'.
 No need to remake target `Makefile'.
Updating goal targets....
Considering target file `winhello.exe'.
 Looking for an implicit rule for `winhello.exe'.
 Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
 Trying implicit dependency `winhello.c'.
 Found an implicit rule for `winhello.exe'.
  Considering target file `winhello.c'.
   Looking for an implicit rule for `winhello.c'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
   Trying implicit dependency `winhello.y'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
   Trying implicit dependency `winhello.l'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
   Trying implicit dependency `winhello.w'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
   Trying implicit dependency `winhello.w'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.c'.
   Trying implicit dependency `winhello.c,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.c'.
   Trying implicit dependency `RCS/winhello.c,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.c'.
   Trying implicit dependency `s.winhello.c'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.c'.
   Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.winhello.c'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
   Trying implicit dependency `winhello.y'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `winhello.y'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.y'.
    Trying implicit dependency `winhello.y,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.y'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/winhello.y,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.y'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.winhello.y'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.y'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.winhello.y'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
   Trying implicit dependency `winhello.l'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `winhello.l'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.l'.
    Trying implicit dependency `winhello.l,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.l'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/winhello.l,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.l'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.winhello.l'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.l'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.winhello.l'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
   Trying implicit dependency `winhello.w'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `winhello.w'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.w'.
    Trying implicit dependency `winhello.w,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.w'.
    Trying implicit dependency `RCS/winhello.w,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.w'.
    Trying implicit dependency `s.winhello.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello.w'.
    Trying implicit dependency `SCCS/s.winhello.w'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `winhello'.
   Rejecting impossible implicit dependency `winhello.w'.
   No implicit rule found for `winhello.c'.
   Finished dependencies of target file `winhello.c'.
  No need to remake target `winhello.c'.
 Finished dependencies of target file `winhello.exe'.
 Dependency `winhello.c' is newer than dependent `winhello.exe'.
Must remake target `winhello.exe'.
gcc -mwindows winhello.c -o winhello.exe
Putting child 0x0a038f90 PID 01413 on the chain.
Live child 0x0a038f90 PID 1413
/cygnus/CYGWIN~1/H-I586~1/i586-cygwin32/bin/ld: cannot open output file
: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Got a SIGCHLD; 1 unreaped children.
Live child 0x0a038f90 PID 1413
Reaping losing child 0x0a038f90 PID 1413
make: *** [winhello.exe] Error 1

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